Anaheim UHSD

Technology Agreements



Chromebooks Request/Info



Chromebook Insurance may be purchased:

  • once per year
  • within 30 days of checking out the device


Device Parts


Care for your Chromebook

  • Bring your Chromebook fully charged to school.
  • Make ​​​sure there are no items on the keyboard when you close your Chromebook.
  • Keep food and liquids away from your Chromebook.
  • Take caution when your Chromebook is in your backpack.
  • Do not let others borrow it



Hotspot Requests/Info

  • Request a hotspot

  • To schedule a hotspot pick-up please contact your school's AP

  • If no hotspot is available, you may see your school's FACES for additional resources



Other Technology Info



Insurance may be purchased 

  • once per year per device type
  • within 30 days of checking out the device​​​​​​


Device Parts



Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) offers an optional, annual insurance per school year to cover the repair and service of loaned out Chromebook, Laptop, and ZBook devices in the event of reasonable accidental damage that occurs from regular use.

The term of the insurance plan is only for the school year, including summer school.  Insurance will need to be renewed each year if you would like to continue coverage on your Device.  

AUHSD Device Insurance does not cover the following (California Education Code 48904):  

  • Theft or loss of the Device outside of the school campus.
  • Malicious damage under any circumstances.

The AUHSD Device Insurance Plan (DIP) must be purchased within 30 days of the current school year enrollment date and will ONLY cover one (1) claim per policy during a single school year.  Device manufacturer defects will be covered at no additional cost.  The plan will also provide a loaner Device while the broken Device is being repaired. 


Anaheim Union High School District
501 N. Crescent Way, Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone (714) 999-3511 Fax (714) 520-9754
Hours: Mon - Fri 7:45 am to 4:30 pm



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