Anaheim UHSD




English Language Arts, World Languages and Science Curriculum

McGraw Hill

McGraw Hill

English Learner, Science, Social Science, and Health curriculum available through the ConnectEd system. You can connect directly through Schoology.




Access to Inside and Edge textbooks inside Schoology. Junior high school social sciences. Curriculum is hosted on my NG Connect.

Carnegie Learning

Carnegie Learning

Our math learning solutions for middle school and high school combine consumable textbooks, intelligent math tutoring software, and transformative professional learning services.

Goodheart Willcox

Goodheart Willcox

Health Curriculum - The premier

textbook publisher for Technical,

Trades, and Technology; Family and 

Consumer Sciences; and Business,

Marketing and Career Education.




Anaheim Union High School District
501 N. Crescent Way, Anaheim, CA 92801
Phone (714) 999-3511 Fax (714) 520-9754
Hours: Mon - Fri 7:45 am to 4:30 pm



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