Walker JHS

History 7 - A.Freeman
Tuesday, Sep 13, 2011

MON: Collect Rome Map HW from weekend.  Roman vs. Greek PowerPoint notes in class. Not HW.  PowerPoint attached here.

HW: study for Rome vocab quiz on Thursday.  Words list attached.

TUES: finish Rome vs. Greek notes; Venn diagram of the two cultures in class.  Classes begin STation Rotation of Famous Romans

HW: study for vocab quiz.


WED: finish Famous Romans in class; begin notes on Fall of Roman Empire.

HW: study for vcab quiz tomorrow.


THUR: Rome vocabulary quiz: 11 words.  continue Fall of Rome notes.

HW: draw or write questions on Famous Romans worksheet.


FRI:  depending on how much finished on previous days, students discuss the Legacy of Rome (how we remember it today).

HW WEEKEND: get caught up if behind: Augustus notes sheet, Rome vocabulary, Rome map



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