ADMISSIONS 2024 - 2025
(application for incoming 7th grade 25-26)
Attention Current Applicants: Please see below for the admissions timeline and details about communications from our school.
February 13, 2025
ATTN: Applicants and Parents/Guardians,
Our server has finished sending notifications. It may take some time to be received. If you do not receive an email by tomorrow evening, please check your spam/junk mail folders. If you still need assistance after that, please contact Ms. Martinez ( or 714-220-3055 for support.
One point of clarification - If you received a waitlist notification, please note that 10 waitlist spaces are allocated to each AUHSD Junior High attendance area. For inter-district candidates (those who live outside of the AUHSD boundaries), there are 15 waitlist spaces allocated. If space should become available for your applicant, we will contact you to see if you are still interested in attending Oxford. This can happen any time between early March and the beginning of the school year in August. We will also send a notification when all waitlist spaces have been filled.
January 15, 2025
ATTN: Applicants,
All admission notifications (re: approval to test or did not qualify to test) have been sent. If you did not receive your notification, please check your spam or junk mail folders. If you still need assistance after that, please contact Ms. Martinez ( or 714-220-3055 for support.
January 14, 2025
Greetings Applicants and Parents/Guardians,
This is a quick note to let you know that we are beginning to send admissions notifications today, and the process may take through late this week. Notifications will be sent by email to the email address indicated in your application.
Once the notifications begin coming out, please realize that our server takes some time to send them all. This means you may know people who receive notifications earlier in the day than your applicant. Once all of the notifications have been sent, we will send another email and put an announcement on our admissions page so you can verify the process is complete. Again, this process may take anywhere from one day to multiple days.
We know you are anxiously awaiting the news. Please hold patiently until all notifications are sent. Once we indicate that the process is complete, if you still have not received an email, please check your spam or junk mail folders. If you still need assistance after that, please contact Ms. Martinez ( or 714-220-3055 for support.
December 13, 2024
ATTN: Current Applicants,
Our next round of communication, approval to test notifications, will be sent by mid-January. Please see the admissions timeline below for all admissions communication and process dates for this year.
September 26, 2024
Now accepting applications for incoming 7th graders only. Due to limited space we are no longer holding an application process for incoming 8th and 9th grades. We do not accept applications for incoming 10-12 grade students. The deadline to apply is November 1, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. No late applications are accepted.
* Please scroll to the bottom of the admissions webpage to view all admissions information and updates for the application and admissions process this year. If after reading you still have questions or need support, you may contact our admissions office at 714-220-3055 to speak with Ms. Martinez or Ms. Karen Ortega. You may also reach Ms. Martinez by email at
Parent Information Meeting
Prospective Parent Informational Night Meeting: Click here to view meeting recording (If video is blurry, you may download the video for clearer viewing).
Prospective Parent Informational Night: October 10, 2024 @5:30 p.m. - This event is VIRTUAL. Please find the link and meeting ID below. The link for this event will not open until 5:30 p.m.
Zoom Meeting ID: 861 6449 0366
Zoom Link:
Steps to Complete and Submit Your Application
Step 1: Please review the Application Checklist below before completing the application.
Admissions Checklist - English. (*Please note, if your district only provides transcripts, we will accept those in place of your Final Report Cards as long as the appropriate end-of-year grades are included for the appropriate school years, 4th and 5th grades. The transcripts must also include citizenship & effort marks, and attendance in addition to end-of-the-year or June final grades for both school years).
Admissions Checklist - Spanish. (*Atención por favor: Si su distrito solamente provee el record escolar en lugar de las boletas de calificaciones, estas se aceptarán siempre y cuando sean las calificaciones del cuarto y quinto de primaria, incluyendo las notas de comportamiento, esfuerzo y asistencia de los años mencionados.)
Admissions Checklist - Vietnamese
Step 2: Please view the Application Walk-Through Video -CLICK HERE- (If the video appears blurry when you open the link, try downloading it instead and watching directly from your own computer.)
Step 3: Please review the Sample Admissions Items below. We suggest that you prepare your documents in advance of completing the application.
Items 1 - 4: (Sample Report Cards, State Testing Student Report, & Short-Answer Question combined into a single PDF)
Item 5: (Sample utility bill) or completed Residence Verification Form if renting
Item 6: Teacher Name & Email Address for Teacher Reference Form
Item 7: (Sample IEP) or (Sample 504 Plan)
Step 4: Click Here to Apply *Use a personal google email account to avoid any technical difficulties*
Step 5: Monitor your email for communications from the school.
APPLICATION SUPPORT WORKSHOPS AVAILABLE: If you are unable to complete your application on your own after watching the Application Walk-through Video above, you may sign up for additional support click here to sign up and attend one of our application workshops. MUST PRE-REGISTER FOR SUPPORT. NO WALK-INS ACCEPTED.
*Notification of invitation to test will be sent to qualified candidates by email in early January (see timeline below)
We are looking forward to your application and wish you the best through the admissions process! Please see all admissions information below.
Please read everything below related to admissions. If after reading you still have questions or need support, you may contact our admissions office at 714-220-3055, to speak with Ms. Martinez or Ms. Karen Ortega. You may also reach Ms. Martinez by email at
Oxford Academy admissions will open by September 26th at 4:00 p.m. and will close on November 1st at 4:00 p.m. More details and information will be posted on this admissions webpage once admissions opens. Please see the checklist below of application requirements for incoming students.
The application is open to students who reside both within and outside of the Anaheim Union High School District. Approximately 200 spaces are designated to students within the district, and 70 spaces are available to students who reside outside of the AUHSD district boundaries.
Our application is all online, and we usually hold our in-person entrance exams for incoming 7th grade students somewhere between mid-January and early February.
If you would like to get a jump start on your application, please see the admissions checklist documents on our below and begin gathering your materials.
Grade-Level Application Information:
This year we will only be accepting applications for the incoming 7th grade class for the 2025-2026 school year. Due to limited space we will not be holding an application process for 8th and 9th grade this year and we do not anticipate enough openings to hold an 8th and 9th grade admission process for future years. We do not accept applications for incoming 10-12 grade students. Students must apply for incoming 7th grade.
Prospective Parent Information Night:
We are hosting a virtual prospective parent and student applicant information night to cover some basic information about Oxford Academy and the application process this year on October 10th at 5:30 p.m. The presentation should last approximately one hour. This event will be held online. Registration may be required. We request attendance is limited to the applicant and the applicant’s immediate family on a single device (i.e. parents or guardians; siblings only if necessary). More details will be posted on this admissions page once the even link becomes available.
Timeline of Admissions Events:
Sept. 26, 2024 Application Window Opens @ 4:00 p.m.
Oct. 10, 2024 VIRTUAL Prospective Parent Information Meeting @ 5:30 p.m. (*Immediate family of applicant only; details and link to be posted as event approaches)
Nov. 1, 2024 Application Window Closes @ 4:00 p.m. (Firm Deadline; late applications not accepted)
Jan. 16, 2025 (approximate date) Invitation to Test (or participate in modified admissions process) will be sent out via email provided on application by this date.
*All applicants will be notified of the results of initial application screening.
Feb 1, 2025 (Saturday) Entrance Exam (Date to be confirmed with applicants if approved to test)
Feb. 19, 2024 (approximate date) Notification of Admittance via email address provided on application.
*All applicants will be notified of the results of the selection process.
Feb. 26, 2024 @ 3:00 p.m. Deadline for Course Registration to Attend
March 2025 - August 2025 (Ongoing) - Waitlist and Backfill candidates notified as space becomes available
*Dates may be adjusted throughout the school year
Important Information:
*Paper applications are no longer accepted.
**All communication will be via email. Please ensure your application includes an email you will use to check for communication about application status, registration, and other school processes.
***Please use a private Gmail address as email addresses to schools, student accounts, and business often get blocked by firewalls and spam filters.
****Documentation to verify residence will be required to register (for both AUHSD district residents and those who reside outside of the AUHSD boundaries). Students will not be permitted to register and attend Oxford Academy without this proof. You can check whether or not your attendance is within our boundaries here:
Admissions Checklists:
Admissions Checklist - English
Admissions Checklist - Spanish
Admissions Checklist - Vietnamese
*Please note, transcripts are also accepted in place of report cards as long as they include the required information from the checklists above.
Please check our website frequently for up-to-date information.
The Oxford Academy Admissions Committee
September 20, 2024
Greetings potential applicants!
Oxford Academy admissions will open on September 26th @4:00 p.m. Please check back here then for the admissions information to be posted for the year.
Oxford Academy Admissions Committee