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Spanish 1 provides students with a solid foundation of essential vocabulary, grammar, structure and common expressions in the language of Spanish. Students will improve their reading, writing, listening, speaking and critical thinking skills in the Spanish as well as in the English language. Students will also be introduced to the culture of Spanish-Speaking countries. Students will gain a deeper appreciation to the knowledge and understanding of the Spanish culture, every day life and customs, art, music, and literature.  



Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 is designed for students who already speak Spanish at home. Using the Common Core Standards, students will be focusing on speaking, listening, reading and writing in Spanish. At the same time students will reinforce and enrich their vocabulary, grammar, orthography both in the Spanish and English language.  Students will gain a deeper appreciation to the knowledge and understanding of the Spanish culture, every day life and customs, art, music, and literature.  



Seventh grade Spanish Conversation and Culture is a quarter class (9 week course) part of the electives wheel. This introductory course is aligned with the Anaheim Union High School District Common Core Standards. In this class the student will be introduced to basic Spanish language vocabulary. At the same time the student will explore part of the culture of the Spanish Speaking countries.

KOREAN I (at Kennedy High School)

This course teaches the students fundamental skills in Korean. Students learn Korean letters, reading, writing, and fundamental conversation.  Students learn Korean vowels, consonants, and correct language structure for basic conversation.  Students can construct a simple essay in Korean.  Vocabulary and elementary grammar are introduced.  The skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the language are the essential elements of the course.  The methods of correct pronunciation are emphasized.

Offered on Kennedy High School's campus, this class provides an introduction to the basics of Korean.

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