Sycamore JHS
World History 7 Curriculum at a Glance Outline
• World continents and oceans and Five Themes of Geography.
Roman Empire
• Analyze the lasting contributions, geographic borders, the establishment of the Byzantine Empire, and eventual fall of Rome. 
DBQ “What were the Primary Reasons for the ‘Fall’ of Rome?”
Civilizations of Islam
• Analyze the geographical features of the Arabian Peninsula and nomadic ways of life.
• Trace the origins and expansion of Islam and the life and teachings of Muhammad,
Saharan Civilizations of Ghana and Mali 
• Analyze the relationship between the Niger River and the vegetation zones of forest, savannah, and desert to trade, culture, and the growth of Ghana and Mali. 
• Describe the agricultural, technological, and commercial developments of China 
• Analyze the influences of Confucianism, Buddhism and the importance of overland trade and maritime expeditions. 
• Describe the historic influences of discoveries such as tea, woodblock printing, and paper manufacturing and the development of the imperial state and scholar-official class.
DBQ “Should we Celebrate the Voyages of Zheng He?”
• Analyze the significance of Japan's proximity to China and Korea. 
• Analyze the values, social customs, contributions, religions, and traditions under the lord-vassal system and reign of Prince Shotoku... 
Medieval Europe
• Analyze the influence of geography on Europe and. map the impact of the Bubonic Plague. 
• Trace the spread of Christianity, the development of feudalism, the effects of the religious Crusades, and importance of the Catholic church.
DBQ Samurai and Knights. “Were the Similarities Greater than the Differences?”
PBL Build a Castle
• Analyze how the revival of classical learning and the arts created a new interest in humanism.
• Analyze the development and impact of new ways of disseminating information and advances in literature, the arts, science, mathematics, cartography, engineering, human anatomy, and astronomy.
• Analyze the causes of the internal turmoil and weakening of the Catholic Church. 
Mesoamerican and Andean Civilizations
• Describe the locations, landforms, climates of Mexico, Central America, and South America in relation to economies and the development of Mayan, Aztec, and Incan societies. 
• Analyze how and where each empire arose and how the Aztec and Inca empires were defeated by the Spanish. 
DBQ “What was the most remarkable achievement of the Maya?” PBL Annotated Map of the Americas
Age of Exploration
• Analyze the great voyages of discovery, the influence of cartography, the exchanges of plants, animals, technology, culture, and ideas among Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. 
Scientific Revolution
• Analyze the significance of new scientific theories and inventions of the Scientific Revolution. 
• Analyze the influence of the scientific method. Political and Economic Change in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries
• Analyze the origins of modern capitalism, the Magna Carta's influence, and the main ideas of the Enlightenment.
PBL “ABC Book” review of the year

U.S. History 8 Curriculum at a Glance Outline
1st Quarter – August thru October
• Geography of the United States
• Declaration of Independence
• Articles of Confederation
• Constitutional Convention
• George Washington’s Presidency
• Jefferson/Hamilton Conflicts
• Benchmark Test # 1
2nd Quarter – October thru January
• Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency
• Louisiana Purchase
• Lewis and Clark Expedition
• Native American and Trail of Tears
• Monroe Doctrine
• Introduction to Manifest Destiny
• Benchmark Test # 2
DBQ – Manifest Destiny
3rd Quarter – January thru March
• Florida and Texas
• War with Mexico
• California Gold Rush
• North and South
• Introduction to Slavery
• Abolitionist Movement
• Benchmark Test # 3
DBQ – Abolitionist Movement
4th Quarter – April thru June
• Causes of the Civil War
• Civil War
• Introduction to the Constitution
• Constitution of the United States
DBQ – Constitution of the United States


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