Sycamore JHS
Business Technology – Semester Overview
  • Touch typing at least 20 wpm by the end of the semester
  • Typing test every 2-3 weeks
Technology Vocabulary:
  • Students are exposed to daily vocabulary to become familiar with commonly used technology terms
  • Online vocabulary quizzes every 2-3 weeks
Microsoft Office Suite/Google Docs:
  • Document formatting
  • One Page Report
  • Multi Page Report
  • Title Page
  • Works Cited Page
Google Drive/Email
  • Every student will have
  • Document sharing / Collaboration with peers
  • Online storage
  • Digital Portfolio
  • posters
  • calendars
  • cards / brochures / flyer
  • Students will learn how to create and present a classroom PowerPoint  
  • Spreadsheet basics and Chart/Graphing
Digital Citizenship
  • Everfi Ignition
  • computer software basics, and safe practices to use while on the computer and smartphone
  • Netiquette / Cyber Bullying
Financial Literacy
  • Bonzai!:  Students learn budgeting basics  
Career Exploration
  • Student interest and aptitude assessments
  • 15 California Career pathways
  • Real Game California
  • CA-Career Briefs,  CA-Career Zone, and Roadtrip Nation
  • Soft skills
  • Career & College Preparation/exploration
  • High School Career Pathways


Business Administration


Student interest and aptitude assessments

  • Holland Code
  • Interest profiler, skills profiler, work importance profiler

15 California Career pathways

Real Game California

  • Job Simulation
  • Payroll procedures
  • Job Evaluation

CA-Career Briefs/CA-Career Zone

  • Individual career information
  • College pathways
  • Soft Skills

Road trip Nation

  • Students will explore various careers of interest by watching videos of leaders in all industries discuss how they got started and excelled in their careers
  • Soft Skills
  • Students will learn and understand the basic soft skills necessary for interpersonal relationships both at work and in their personal lives.

College Preparation/exploration

  • Students will explore educational requirement for desired careers
  • College application process
  • College funding
  • Internship opportunities

Entrepreneur Unit

  • Shark Tank Game
  • Students will learn the basics of starting their own business
  • Business simulation
  • Advertising/marketing basics

Public Safety Component

  • Every Wednesday students will be exposed to presentations by the Anaheim Police and fire Departments.
  • Topics Covered include:  Communications/dispatch, report writing, police operations, fire, operations, emergency medical services, police forensics, forensics/chemistry, arson investigation, fire prevention, crime prevention, terrorism. :  

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