South JHS

Memory Book - A.Berry


Dear Parents of Yearbook Students,

It is my pleasure to work with your child this year on the development of the 2014 yearbook. As the sole historians for the school, yearbook members have a major task ahead. We are responsible for accurately covering important school functions and creating a memorable compilation of photos and stories which the student body can cherish.

This class goes beyond the mere basics of an elective; we are a business. This year alone our staff will be responsible for raising almost $15,000 in revenues to cover the cost of the publications. Therefore, I expect the staff to give their full cooperation and professionalism to the task at hand. Each student shares in the responsibility of the production. Missed deadlines mean time and money; we cannot afford to lose either.  Most offenses are a result of procrastination. Students simply do not understand the need for deadlines.  Because parents are our biggest advocates, we ask that you discuss this newly acquired responsibility with your student journalist. 

Please be aware that your student will be using school cameras and computers.  Should any damages to these items and other school property occur it will be the financial responsibility of the student and/or parent to replace or repair the item. Students are welcome to use their own cameras but South accepts no responsibility for these items. Students will be expected to follow the Code of Conduct established by the Anaheim Union High School District and will be subject to the Assertive Discipline Policy of the School should there be any transgression.

Student grades will be based on the following:  20% Participation,  30% Daily Class Assignments, 20% Layout Progress, and 30% Final Layout.  Students are expected to have paper and pen or pencil for class.  Students are using a web based program, to produce the yearbook. An email address makes communicating with your student through this program much easier. If you, or your student, have an email that you would not mind adding to the system, please include it on the slip below.

Please sign below, acknowledging that you understand the fundamentals of the program and the guidelines for the course as outlined above.  Return the bottom portion with your student to the class no later than FRIDAY, AUGUST 30TH.

I look forward to working with your student journalist and want to give him/her yearbook memories which will last a lifetime. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me before or after school, or during my conference period, 9:30-10:15 am.  My school phone number and email are on the above letterhead.



Andrea berry



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