Oxford Academy has over 50 clubs on campus that are growing in membership. Each club is unique in its offerings. For more information, please email the advisor to facilitate communication with a club/organization.
This Protection Plan is based on the guidance provided by the Orange County Health Care Agency, the California Department of Public Health, CA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Center for Disease Control. We know that the guidance is interim and that is it based on what is currently known about the transmission and severity of coronavirus. We know it will continue to evolve and we will continue to monitor and review new information as it is released in order to correct any deficiencies identified.
5172 Orange Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630
Main Office: 714 - 220 - 3055
Fax: 714 - 527 - 7128
(Ms. Martinez)
(Mrs. Lee)
Counseling Office
(Ms. Arias)
(Ms. Ortega)
Updated COVID-19 Protection Plan
BUSINESS NAME: Oxford Academy
ADDRESS: 5172 Orange Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630
Person Designated to Implement this COVID-19 Site-Specific Protection Plan
(Plan Administrator)
PHONE NUMBER: 714-220-3055 EMAIL: houston_a@auhsd.us
School Reopening Checklist
As recommended by the Orange County Department of Education and required by the Orange
County Health Care Agency, we have posted the Orange County Together–School Reopening
Checklist and Attestation in large format in a prominent location at this site.
Risk Assessment and Implemented Measures
A risk assessment is a tool that is used to identify a hazard in the workplace, as well as the
measures or controls that can be taken to reduce the hazard. The specific hazard in our current
situation is SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). A risk
assessment is a long-established requirement of the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health (NIOSH), as well as OSHA and Cal OSHA for employers to identify and mitigate
hazards in the workplace. This site has implemented the hierarchy of controls for protecting
staff and students. Per NIOSH, “The idea behind this hierarchy is that the control methods at
the top of graphic are potentially more effective and protective than those at the bottom.
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