Kennedy HS

Earth Science with Lab P - C.Pascal



Earth Science Semester 1 2011-2012
Instructor – Mr. Pascal Room 502
Assignments for the week of August 29 - September 2, 2012
Monday August 29, 2011
            Welcome back to school
            Introduce myself and my qualifications
            Introduce Miss Renee and explain how she helps our class
            Check Schedules – are you in the right place?
            Walkabout – show the kids where things are on campus
            What is Earth Science and what are we going to study?
            Have each student write a question on what they want to know about
            What are my expectations of each student?
            Ask students what there expectations are of me.
Tuesday August 30, 2011
            Assign seats to students alphabetically for the first month – move each month
            Read Bill Gates 11 principals
            Encourage students to get involved on campus…there really is something for everyone.
            Go over school and class rules - Make sure students understand electronics policy
            Discuss how science is about observing, watching, remembering and recording.
                        1 in 3 involved in some sort of violent act in their life
            FBI Video – observe!!
Wednesday August 31, 2011
            Flash Cards for class – give a list of vocabulary words for this unit
            Collecting Data – how?
            Collect information in class
            Explain raw date and how to make it useful – make tables with data
            Graphing – Pie/Bar/Line Read P. 824-25 in text – class set
            Put collected information into graphs
Thursday September 1, 2011
            Graphs – how do you make them??? X and Y axis / Consistent numbers
            You Tube video examples
            Work on graphs in class – due Friday
If you do them at home on the computer – extra credit is awarded.
Friday September 2, 2011
            Quiz on types of graphs, axis, and information on them
Collect graphs from students
            Video and notes on the Metric System
            Enjoy your three day weekend! Go to the Football game at Claremont tonight – 7 pm
Weekly Assignments for Earth Science – Pascal – September 5-9, 2011
Monday September 5, 2011
Labor Day – No School!!!!!      
Tuesday September 6, 2011
            Look at the Investigation and Experimentation Standards
            Discuss the ones that will affect us.
            Notes on the difference between Hypothesis and Theory
Look at topographic and geological maps – do samples
Wednesday September 7, 2011
Review topographic and geological maps
Collect Maps worked on Tuesday in class
The metric system – what is what????
Do the 10 objects worksheet
Organize your data in to a usable form
Thursday September 8, 2011
Continue with the metric system and graphing
            Graph the 10 objects that you have measured bar graph and pie graph
            Identify and communicate sources of unavoidable error – notes
            Mass, Density and Volume Notes – what is the difference?
Friday September 9, 2011
Collect Graphs and tables of organization
            Quiz on this weeks work and vocabulary
Includes types of graphs, hypothesis, theory, topographical, geological, different measurements in the metric system, types of errors, mass, density and volume
            Discuss pH and do a quick lab in class on different pH levels 
Weekly Assignments for Earth Science – Pascal – September 12-16, 2011
REMINDER!!!!!! Benchmark on Friday September 16 on Investigation and Experimentation 20?’S
Monday September 12, 2011
            Determine the mass and volume of pieces of wood – 10 different ones.
            Using the water displacement containers, calculate the volume of each piece of wood.
            Organize the information into a chart – be sure to add float or sink
Tuesday September 13, 2011
            Find the mass of 10 “other objects” provided by the instructor
            Find the volume of those objects.
            Calculate the density of those objects
            In a table – list in order, the most dense to the least dense; bar graph to go along with information
Wednesday September 14, 2011
            Go over questions and then collect graphs
            Layer water lab
Thursday September 15, 2011
            Discuss the layering of water lab – is it possible to layer water?
            Talk about densities of different liquids
            Review for Benchmark #1 – Investigation and experimentation
Friday September 16, 2011
            Collect Vocabulary Cards for the unit
Benchmark #1 Investigation and Experimentation – 20 questions
            Distribute textbooks – offer online book in lieu of taking a book home – sign form
                        -be sure to give directions on getting to text online.
            Introduction to the next unit - Space


September 26, 2011

In class today we took notes and discussed California State Standard #1a and 1b.  These two standards deal with the solar system, understanding how the planets are different (1a) and the fact that the inner planets and the outer planets are different and how (1b).

The class was given notes looking at the differences and then were given information on the Gas Giants and their physical characteristics.

Each student was given a list of 37 words to cover the Space Unit.  The chapter vocabulary (27) has 10 words on page 709.  Students were assigned these 10 words and asked to define them from the handout or their book.  They are due on Wednesday, 9/28.

Each student was also given a handout to fill in - this information starts on page 685.  This is also due on Wednesday 9/28.


October 17, 2011

Chapter 29 - The Sun

California State Standards for Chapter 29

1a. Students know the differences and similarities among the Sun, the terrstrial planets and the gas planets may have been established during the formation of the solar system.

1e. Students know the Sun is a typical star and is powered by nuclear reactions, primarily the fusion of hydrogen to form helium.

Objectives for section 29.1

1. Explain how the sun converts matter into energy in its core. (1e)

2. Compare the radiative and convective zones of the sun. (1e)

3. Describe the three layers of the suns atmosphere. (1a)



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