Anaheim UHSD
Student Enrollment and Registration



STEP 1. Complete Registration Online at  


STEP 2. Document Checklist

  • Current Gas/Electric Bill or Rent/Lease Agreement. (Proof of Address)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Record (any student coming from outside of Orange County must have a current TB test)
  • Current Transcript from the previous school
  • Parent/Guardian ID or passport
  • Discipline Record from last school attended
  • Special Ed students need to bring a copy of their Most Current IEP and Psychological, Behavioral Reports
  • Legal Guardian Documentation if student resides with a guardian

Please Note: If the Registrar needs to request any document(s) from the previous school, this could result in a delay of your students’ enrollment.


STEP 3. Enroll your student at your student's school of residence.

Use the Find My School Tool to determine your school of residence.



If your student formerly attended any of the schools in AUHSD (this includes any of our high schools and/or junior high schools) but then left and attended a school outside of our district, please prepare the documents listed above in Step 2 and register at your student's school of residence.  

Use the Find My School Tool to determine your school of residence.


For Transfer Requests, please visit our Transfers Page.

Summer Registration

AUHSD Families, we will be holding our Summer Registration activities in-person, with many online options, at each school site. To plan for Summer Registration, please complete online data confirmation once the information is emailed in late April, make sure your student's immunizations are up-to-date. Your student's school site will be sharing more information regarding the summer activities. 


Here is the information to complete each of these activities online:

Support for Online Enrollment:  Aeries Parent Portal Resources

Immunization Clearance: Immunizations Requirements for School Entry

The dates for in-person registration and contacts are listed below.

Please visit your school's website for detailed registration information.


Anaheim High School Parent Student Registration HandBook (English)

Anaheim High School

Lorena Farias

999-3750 ext. 20640

July 22: 9th Grade A-K (8 to 11:30am) & L-Z (1 to 3pm)

July 23: 10th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 24: 11/12th Graders (8 to 12pm)

Make-up Day July 25: 8 to 11:30 am & 1 to 3pm

Ball Junior High School Parent Student Registration HandBook (English)

Ball Junior High School

Tatiana Jimenez-Castro 999-3663

July 24: 8th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 25: 7th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 26: Makeup (8 to 10am)

Brookhurst Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Brookhurst Junior High School

Analia Lee 999-3613

July 23: 8th Grade (8 to 1pm)

July 24: 7th Grade (8 to 1pm)

July 25: Makeup (8 to 1pm)




Brookhurst Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Cambridge Virtual Academy

Marcy Mendoza

August 7 @ 9:30am-11:30am - Grade 7th & 8th

August 8 @ 9:30am-11:30am - Grade 9th & 10th

August 9 @ 9:30am-11:30am - Grade 11th & 12th

August 9 @ 1:00-3:00pm - Make Up Session

Cypress High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Cypress High School

Dianna Vergara


July 29: 12th Grade (8 to 12:30pm)

July 30: 11th Grade (8 to 12:30pm)

July 31: 10th Grade (8 to 12:30pm)

August 1: 9th Grade (8 to 12:30pm)

August 2: Makeup (8 to 11:00am)

Dale Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Dale Junior High School

Saul Regino Aguilar 220-4210

July 22: 7th Grade A-F (8 to 10am) & G-L (10 to 12pm)

July 23: 7th Grade M-R (8 to 10am) & S-Z (10 to 12pm)

July 24: 8th Grade A-L (8 to 10am) & M-Z (10:30 to 12:30pm)

July 25: Makeup (8 to 12pm)




Gilbert High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Gilbert High School

Alyssa Gonzalez 999-3798

July 23 & 24: 11/12th Grade (8 to 11am & 1 to 3pm)

July 25: Makeup (8 to 12pm)

Hope School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Hope School

Norma Armas 220-4198
July 29 to August 2: (Scheduled)

Katella High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Katella High School

Noemi Lewis


July 22: 9th Grade A-L (8 to 12pm)

July 23: 9th Grade M-Z (8 to 12pm)

July 24: 10th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 25: 11th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 26: 12th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 29: Makeup (8 to 12pm) 




Kennedy High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Kennedy High School

Gladys Rodriguez

July 22: 12th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 23: 11th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 24: 10th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 25: 9th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 26: Makeup (8 to 12pm)

Lexington Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Lexington Junior High School

Tina Gilbert 220-4201

July 24: 8th Grade (8 to 1pm)

July 26: 7th Grade (8 to 1pm)

Loara High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Loara High School

Grace Figueroa 999-3708

July 25: 12th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 26: 11th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 29: 10th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 30: 9th Grade (8 to 12pm)




Magnolia High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Magnolia High School

Jasmine Garcia 220-4249

July 29: 12th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 30: 11th Grade (8 to 12pm)

July 31: 10th Grade (8 to 12pm)

August 1: 9th Grade (8 to 12pm)

Orangeview Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Orangeview Junior High School

Cynthia Cabrera 220-4205

July 30: 8th Grade (8 to 12:30pm)

July 31: 7th Grade (8 to 12:30pm)

August 1: Makeup (8 to 10:30am)

Oxford Academy Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Oxford Academy

Lulu Martinez 220-3068

July 30: 10th Grade A-L (8:30 to 9:30) & M-Z (9:30 to 10:30)

12th Grade A-L (12:30 to 1:30) & M-Z (1:30 to 3pm)

July 31: 7th Grade A-L (8:30 to 9:30) & M-Z (9:30 to 10:30)

8th Grade A-L (12:30 to 1:30) & M-Z (1:30 to 3pm)

August 1: 9th Grade A-L (8:30 to 9:30) & M-Z (9:30 to 10:30)

11th Grade A-L (12:30 to 1:30) & M-Z (1:30 to 3pm)

August 2: Makeup (9:30 to 11:30am)




Polaris High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Polaris High School

Andreina Gutierrez


Scheduled per Student

Savanna High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Savanna High School

Martin Villagomez 220-4262 x2340

July 24: 11/12th Grade A-L (8:30am to 12pm) & M-Z (1:30pm to 3pm)

July 25: 10/12th Grade A-L (8:30am to 12pm) & M-Z (1:30pm to 3pm)

July 26: 9/12th Grade A-L (8:30amto 12pm) & M-Z (1:30pm to 3pm)

July 29: Makeup

South Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

South Junior High School

Janet Dominguez 999-2172

July 23: 8th Grade (9 to 1pm)

July 24: 7th Grade (9 to 1pm)

July 25: Makeup (9 to 1pm)

July 26: Makeup (9 to 1pm)




Sycamore Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Sycamore Junior High School

Laura Deshon 999-2178

July 23: 8th Grade (8 to 11am & 12:30 to 3pm)

July 24: 7th Grade (8 to 11am & 12:30 to 3pm)

July 25: Makeup (8 to 11am & 12:30 to 3pm)

Walker Junior High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Walker Junior High School

Maria Villagrana 220-4051

July 29: 7/8th Grade A-G (8 to 11:30am)

July 30: 7/8th Grade H-O (8 to 11:30am)

July 31: 7/8th Grade P-Z (8 to 11:30am)

Western High School Parent Student Registration Handbook (English)

Western High School

Diana Reyes 220-4070

July 22: 12th Grade A-L (8 to 10am) & M-Z (10 to 12pm)

July 23: 11th Grade A-L (8 to 10am) & M-Z (10 to 12pm)

July 24: 10th Grade A-L (8 to 10am) & M-Z (10 to 12pm)

July 25: 9th Grade A-L (8 to 10am) & M-Z (10 to 12pm)

July 26: Makeup A-L (8 to 10am) & M-Z (10 to 12pm)





For transfer information, please go to, please visit our Transfers Page.

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