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International Students



General Information

1. Located within an hour of Los Angeles and two hours from San Diego, the Anaheim Union High School District is nestled in sunny Orange County, California.

阿纳海姆(Anaheim) 联合高中学区坐落在阳光充沛的南加州橙县。距离洛杉矶车程一个小时,离圣地亚哥两个小时。

2. Tourism and entertainment are the dominant industries in the greater Anaheim area. With Disneyland, Anaheim welcomes millions of visitors annually to the “Happiest Place on Earth.” Knott’s Berry Farm is nearby, and professional baseball and hockey teams also call Anaheim home.

整个阿纳海姆地区的支柱产业为旅游业和娱乐业。因为紧邻迪士尼乐园, Anaheim市每年迎接着上百万的游客。 Knott’s Berry Farm游乐场和职业棒球,冰球队也坐落于本市。

3. The school district is also close to beautiful Southern California beaches, Hollywood, scenic mountains, and a vibrant cultural arts community.


4. Anaheim and the surrounding communities offer a true American lifestyle experience.


5. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of Southern California (USC), University of California, Irvine (UCI), and Chapman are all within a short commute.


6. AUHSD graduates are accepted to prestigious universities throughout the United States, including Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, U Penn, and all University of California schools.


7. Students who graduate from AUHSD and attend either Cypress or Fullerton Colleges have guaranteed admission to California State University, Fullerton, and the University of California, Irvine, if they meet minimum transfer guidelines.


8. 50 languages are spoken in the homes of AUHSD students. The California State Seal of Biliteracy honors graduates who have mastered two languages.


9. 21st Century Instructional Priorities: critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration


10. Oxford Academy is the No. 1 public school in California and is ranked 12th in the United States.

本学区的牛津学院(Oxford Academy)在加州公立高中学校中排名第一,在全美排名第十二。

11. Thirteen AUHSD campuses are designated as California Gold Ribbon Schools for their academic excellence

在阿纳海姆联合高中学区中,有十三个学校因出色的学术表现被授予加州 “金丝带”学校。

12. AUHSD has a full range of 23 boys’ and girls’ high school sports. Our athletic teams and our athletes regularly bring home trophies for being No. 1 in the state of California.


13. Magnolia High School has a new Cyber Security Pathway and a partnership with TESLA Foundation (first in the nation) to spur innovation in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)

Magnolia 高中创建了全新的网络安全课程,并且和特斯拉基金合作(本学区是全美第一所与特斯拉基金合作的学区),以此激励学生在 STEAM (科学,技术,工程,艺术,数学为一体) 课程中的创新能力。

14. Kennedy High School is home to the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) program

Kennedy 高中拥有著名的国际学士学位 (IB)课程。

15. Anaheim Union High School District is now processing I-20s


16. Click Applying for F-1 Student Visa to complete an application for the International Student Program



Applying F-1 Student Visa

Welcome to Anaheim Union High School District’s International Student Information page. Foreign, non-immigrant students who are interested in attending one our high schools can complete the application process here. Students that are accepted to attend a high school within AUHSD, will be provided an I-20 document. The I-20 document is necessary to apply for an F-1 Student Visa. A student who receives an F-1 Student Visa is eligible to attend one school year at a public school within the United States.

欢迎浏览阿纳海姆联合高中学区国际学生项目。外国,非移民学生如对某一个高中感兴趣,请在此完成申请。被成功录取的学生,申请学校会签发 I-20文件。 I-20文件是申请F-1学生签证的必要文件之一。收到F-1学生签证的外国学生可以在美国公立学校完成一年的学习。


Please connect with David Green at 714-999-3766 or email at

更多详情请致电 714-999-3766 或发邮件至 联系人:David Green


Deposit / Tuition

Prior to the application being accepted a deposit of $250 in the form of a money order / cashier’s check will be requested. The deposit is non-refundable and will be applied to the balance of the full cost of tuition when the student is accepted. Tuition however will not be refunded on or after the first day of school.




To apply for acceptance to AUHSD’s International Program, the student will be required to:

  • Download and complete AUHSD’s application: APPLICATION FORM (Chinese)
  • Scan and email the completed application to our Student Services Department
  • Demonstrate the ability to pay for one year tuition and stay in the U.S. (bank affidavit)
  • Have a legal guardian present and available here in the U.S.
  • Provide a Medical Power of Attorney that is present and available within the U.S.
  • Translated transcripts (AERC is the translation company used)
  • Letter of recommendation from current school administrator
  • Immunization paperwork in English for California’s required immunizations.
  • Score proficient on a language assessment.



  • 下载并完成阿纳海姆联合高中学区的申请步骤:申请表格(中文)
  • 扫描并将申请资料发邮件至学生服务部门。
  • 提供可以证明您有充足的资金支付一学年的费用(银行存款证明)。
  • 在美停留期间有合法监护人。
  • 提供在美适用的医疗委托书。
  • 带有评分/评级的学校成绩单。(AERC是我们合作的翻译机构)
  • 目前在校行政主管的推荐信。
  • 符合加州接种疫苗标准的英文版疫苗接种证明。
  • 英语语言考试分数出色。


Students who are accepted will be required to:

  • Make an appointment with the Language Assessment Center
  • Guardian / Caregiver will meet with Student Services. Must have Visa



  • 预约语言测试中心。
  • 监护人约见学生服务部门人员。必须持有签证。


Students who are enrolled will be expected to:

  • Live with an adult at all times
  • Maintain a minimum G.P.A. of 2.0
  • Follow all school policies and procedures including attendance and behavior expectations of the school.



  • 在美停留时间始终和一位成人居住。
  • 保持最低平均分2.0 。
  • 遵守所在美国学校的一切规章制度,包括出勤和在校表现行为。


A student may be withdrawn from the Anaheim Union High School District if there is:

  • Lack of regular attendance
  • Continued school failure after appropriate counseling
  • Failure to comply with additional requirements for the student
  • Continued actions contrary to the accepted practice of the school
  • Failure to meet financial obligations
  • Possession of firearms or weapons
  • Theft, vandalism, possession or use of alcoholic beverages or narcotics on or off campus or at a school function
  • Seriously endangering fellow students or the reputation of the school on or off campus Any action, by the student and / or parent, considered serious enough as determined by the administration


  • 无故经常性旷课或缺席。
  • 在辅导后成绩依然不及格。
  • 无法遵守学校的额外规定。
  • 无法承担经济开销。
  • 持有枪炮或武器。
  • 在校内,校外,或任何学校机构里偷窃,破坏公物,饮酒,或使用毒品。
  • 由校长或副校长决定,任何学生/家长/监护人有严重威胁到学校其他学生安全或有损于学校名誉的行为。


Guardianship Requirements:

  • Must have notarized affidavit
  • Meet with AUHSD Student Services
  • Must communicate with Student Services regarding any contact information / address change for the student
  • Must provide a furnished bedroom and appropriate surroundings for the student


  • 必须持有公证书。
  • 与阿纳海姆联合高中学区学生服务部门见面。
  • 一旦联系方式或住址改变,须立即告知学生服务部门。
  • 必须提供有家居的卧室和适当的生活环境。


Caregiver Requirements:

  • Provide a furnished bedroom and appropriate surrounding for the student
  • All of the following and not limited to, signing absence verifications, acknowledging school notifications and monitoring student’s academic progress
  • The home should be comfortable and a place where the student feels comfortable


  • 必须提供有家居的卧室和适当的生活环境。
  • 包括但不仅限于:填写缺课证明,告知已收到学校各类通知,追踪学生课业成绩等。
  • 舒适的家庭环境。



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