Anaheim UHSD




WHEREAS, in response to both current and historic disparate treatment of African Americans, a nationwide movement has arisen to assert that Black lives matter: and

WHEREAS, a national movement has arisen to assert that Black lives matter on the campuses that serve all children: and

WHEREAS, the killing of unarmed Black men and women, including queer and trans persons of color, has left young people searching for answers to incredibly complicated and infuriating questions: and

Resolution Wall

WHEREAS, throughout our nation's history, institutional and structural racism and injustice have led to deepening racial disparities across all sectors of society and have had lasting negative consequences of our communities, cities and national and

WHEREAS, historically, when Black people have fought for a more democratic society, the lives of all people have improved and, conversely, each time barriers to Black people's potential have been erected, our whole society has suffered: and

WHEREAS, shouting loudly that "Black Lives Matter" does not negate our commitment to ALL of our student, but rather elevates Black students' and employees' struggles to trust that our society values them, we must affirm that their lives, specifically, matter: and

Dream Brushed Painted

WHEREAS, numerous and diverse community groups, residents, and teachers wish to participate in education, reflection, dialogue, and action in order to engage educational communities throughout Anaheim in activities that support the understandings and affirmations that underlie the Black lives matter movement: and

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Anaheim Union High School District declares that the lives of our Black students matter, the lives of our Back families matter, the lives of our Black teachers and staff members matter and the at all Black lives matter.

Mother and Kid

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Anaheim Union High School District requests that the Superintendent convene a Task Force to advise the District on matters affecting black students and staff.,

Back of the Bus

Back of the Bus

Back of the Bus


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Anaheim Union High School District urgently encourages participation Districtwide in the Black Lives Matter At School Week from February 3-7, 2021 AND in the first weeks of instruction of the 2020-2021 year.

The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on June 18, 2020 by roll call vote..

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