Dale JHS


Dale is a Gold Ribbon School!

gold ribbon

In 2015, the State Department of Education created a new award to recognize excellent schools in our state -- The California Gold Ribbon School award. The rigorous application process included a visitation by a collection of educators from around the state. 
Dale Jr. High School received a letter from State Superintendent Tom Torlakson congratulating Dale on being named a California Gold Ribbon School. We are one of 373 schools in California to have this honor. Seven other AUHSD schools also received the award. 
This award is a celebration of the wonderful learning community we have at Dale. The collaboration of staff, parents, students, and community-members in developing and implementing LEAD Time has been a great experience. LEAD Time is our intervention/enrichment time. Students can receive assistance in classes, or they can choose an enrichment class if they don't need intervention.
Thank you to each and every one of you who help make Dale a golden place to be. 

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Parents, if you need to contact the school to clear an absence, please email carr_v@auhsd.us

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