Cypress HS

Math 3A/3B P - M.Steinert

Mr. Steinert                                                                   Name:  _____________________________

Room 109                                                                      Period: ____


Phone:  (714)220-4144



OVERVIEW                                           Math 3A and Math 3B


Mathematics 3 is a course of study designed specifically to increase students: problem-solving skills, improve basic foundational skills, vocabulary and gain confidence in their own mathematical ability.  Students will develop a conceptual understanding of mathematics and learn by doing.  This course is brand new to our school.  It is part of a new integrated approach to mathematics, which integrates the different disciplines in mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability, and Statistics).  It is going to prepare students for the next course in the progression, Math 4.  After completion of the course students are expected to:


  • Communicate effectively through dialogue and discussion
  • Work collaboratively to learn from each other
  • Prepare for Mathematics 4
  • Improve their overall mathematical understanding
  • Compute problems with and without technology and in a variety of manners
  • Develop skills to be better independent learners


This course was created in response to the adoption of Common Core Standards.


This class is going to focus very heavily on collaborative learning, and using group work to help students learn and analyze concepts.  Groups will be changed on a periodic basis.  Students will be evaluated based on their cooperation and collaboration in the group setting.  Students will have different responsibilities within the groups, and these job assignments will be rotated throughout the year.




In order to accomplish these goals students must be prepared each day for class. Attendance is mandatory and students must arrive to class on time and ready to begin at the beginning of the period. The following material must be brought to class everyday:


  1. Spiral notebook for homework (may not be shared with another class)
  2. Pencils, pens, highlighter, whiteboard marker, 6” ruler
  3. Paper – lined & graph
  4. Textbook




Homework is going to be given depending on how much gets finished in class, and based on student need for understanding of the concepts (as determined by the teacher).




Attendance is CRUCIAL in this class, because of how much learning takes place in the classroom.  It is important that students miss as little class as possible.  If a student is absent often, it is likely that their grade in the class will suffer.



In order to create an environment in which we can work on the problem solving process and writing students are expected to follow all school rules regarding behavior.

The following norms for the classroom are as follows:


  1. Be an active participant
  2. Respect other ideas/input
  3. Keep an open mind
  4. Willing to ask questions
  5. Listen to understand
  6. We learn from the mistakes we make
  7. No Math Bullies
  8. Be prepared to think, reason, and communicate mathematical understanding



Your grade will be determined by the amount of effort you put into this class.  This class will have homework on a daily basis.  Homework will be short and based on topics students are able to complete.  This class will have unit tests and quizzes.  The focus of these tests and quizzes will be on how well you understand the mathematics, are able to communicate your reasoning and apply the mathematics to the real world.   Projects will be given in each quarter where you will be working with a group of students.  Project may have your group building a model, writing a report or presenting to the class.


100-93% A             92-90% A-           89-88% B+

  87-83% B             82-80% B-           79-78% C+

  77-73% C             72-70% C-           69-68% D+

  67-63% D             62-60% D-          Below 60% F


Tests/ Quizzes                  50%

Homework                       25%

Projects/ classwork          25%
















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