Sycamore JHS

Welcome to Western High School Integrated Math I/II.  Math I/II. is an integrated Math course designed to guide student learning through investigation of mathematical scenarios and discovery of rules.  Students learn to recognize and differentiate patterns, through the process of organization and categorization, they will learn to discover rules and develop skills that help them describe and make inferences in scenarios that require a mathematical explanation.   Upon successful completion of the course, students are expected to not only develop arithmetic fluency necessary to solve a math problem, but also the communication skills needed to explain their reasoning behind their mathematical solution.

One goal of this course is to ensure students reach their highest potential through meaningful and challenging experiences that prepare them to be successful in college, career, and life. Experiences in this course supports the development of dispositions that colleges and employers recognize as important, such as resilience, perseverance, and an academic growth mindset, through performance task assessments that require students to learn to work with others, to solve problems, and to overcome obstacles as necessary.  These kinds of tasks are embedded into the course on a regular basis and, ultimately, are reflected upon as part of the school’s Capstone program.

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